Nyheder /



In a scenario in which Operators are called to respect increasingly higher hygiene standards and in which greater attention is given to safety and sustainability issues, EptaService, the Epta brand dedicated to after-sales assistance and consulting, is ever closer to its Clients in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector and widens its offer with new programmes for the hygienisation and reconditioning of chilled cabinets by Iarp. This service extends to all equipment inside the premises, such as ovens, brioche holders and slush machines.

Hygienisation involves deep cleaning to eliminate 99% of bacteria, mould and yeast. The use of 160° steam dissolves the greasy component of dirt and exerts a microbiological action that removes microorganisms. For superior disinfection, a biocide registered as Medical-Surgical Aid is used.

Reconditioning, on the other hand, involves the mechanical and structural control of the equipment and, where necessary, the insertion of spare parts. It also includes a check-up to optimise the performance of the solutions and reduce consumption. The EptaService Team also refurbishes cabinets and reprints any customisations.

To best respond to the different needs of the Clients, EptaService proposes three packages. Silver is dedicated to beverages and to packaged products for which a first level of cleaning and hygienisation is sufficient. Gold is recommended for ice cream cabinets, ovens and slush machines and combines full cleaning and hygienisation with aesthetic and functional renewal, included also in the Platinum solution, which is recommended for the top-level cleaning of machinery in direct contact with foods, such as cabinets for creamed ice cream and fresh foods.

To guarantee a complete turnkey service, the cabinets return to the shop after they have been tested by the EptaService team, who issues descriptive sheets of all interventions carried out, and are immediately ready for use.